- Designs Intellect is a web/ mobile development, web services, e-commerce and content providers which utilize its talented and professional team to achieve the highest level of client satisfaction and reliable delivery of products.
- Designs Intellect holds some particular set of terms and conditions to maintain integrity and bond between the company and the visitors, user or its clients. The following terms and conditions are applicable to all the work behold by Designs Intellect for its clients.
Acceptance of Work
- When the client wants to utilize our service(s), he has to place a quotation and a complete set of requirements, budget and outline to opt for any sort of web/ mobile development, web services, e-commerce, or content material, the order should be represented an offer to the Designs Intellect to get the development and other associated services. Whether it be a new website work or any update in the existing product; no agreement can be considered as legal or authentic unless and until a written or printed agreement can be obtained between the client and the company.
- Any additional services that have not been included in the proposed business plan or development contract, we do not hold any responsibility of providing those services free of charge or 24/7 support.
- The Client in encouraged to check that the details of the invoice and project specifications are correct and should print and keep a copy for their records.
- Additional work requested by the client that has not been a part of the project description as provided earlier must subject to be acknowledged and approved by the Designs Intellect team to be either charged further. However, any additional work, that has to be included in the existing project, it may affect the overall time scale and ETA delivery time of the project.
- Designs Intellect is liable to withdraw from the contract at any time prior to acceptance.
- If the functional specification and specified set of testing are mentioned in the contract with the proposed quotation, then Designs Intellect team is solely responsible for conducting the complete testing and fulfills all the testing criteria as stated in the contract.
- The Client agrees that the standard development platform is an agreeable platform for the development of the website and all acceptance testing will be conducted only on the standard development platform. The Client further agrees that any requests related to hardware or software other than the standard development platform will be considered as an additional work.
- The Client agrees to provide any required information and content required by Designs Intellect in the fine instance to make possible to the Developer to complete an assigned work within the due time that is the part of an agreed project.
Permission and Copyright
- All content of this website is a property of Designs Intellect unless otherwise stated. Designs Intellect reserves the right to change the content or policies without any prior notice.
- Copyrights that have been granted to clients do not include rights to re-use the code for any other website or re-sell the programming codes for any commercial or non-commercial use. However, the ownership of the website may be transferred from one owner to another, in the case of business restructuring or ownership change.
- Anyhow, new owners are not allowed to re-sell or re-use the existing code/ files for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. Designs Intellect development services are proprietary and cannot be transferred to any external host.
- Copyright of the completed web designs and layouts, images, pages, code and source files created by the Designs Intellect for the project shall be with the Client upon final payment if stated in written agreement beforehand. Without an agreement, ownership of designs and all code is to be held with Designs Intellect.
- Any individual or third-party organization (this includes Clients, Partners, Contractors and other externally affiliated person), are not allowed to use Designs Intellect trademarks including the name and logo in any way shape or form without a written permission from us.
- The client hereby agrees that all media and content made that has been provided to the company(Designs Intellect team) for use in the project are either owned by the client itself or used with full permission of the original authors.
- Designs Intellect team will remain harmless and protected by any claim or suit that may arise as a result of the use of the provided media and content by the client.
- The client agrees that the Designs Intellect team [developers] may include development credits and links within any code the developer designs, builds or amends. For the web development work, the client agrees that the developer may include a development credit and link displayed on the Client's website.
- The client agrees that Designs Intellect reserves the right to include or introduce client’s work in Designs Intellect's portfolio.
- The client agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of any external/ third party software or media included within any development work/ app/ services like, for example, Google maps, RSS feeds, Media under the Creative Commons license etc.
- Designs Intellect reserves the right to refuse to handle the following content and media type:
- Inappropriate or unlawful
- Contains a virus or unreceptive program.
- Comprises racism, violence, obscenity, harassment, harmful intent or spamming.
- Breaches privacy or copyrights
Website, Mobile Application, and E-commerce Development
- Designs Intellect does not hold responsibility for any losses incurred by the use of any software/website/ web service created for the client. At the same time, every measure has been taken to ensure delivered products are problem free and accurate; however, the ultimate responsibility lies with the client as the product is delivered after the user acceptance test.
The client is expected to provide or acquire any information, additional software, support or co-operation pertaining to the server required in order for the application to be correctly developed if applications or sites are developed on servers not provided by Designs Intellect. - For large-scale applications, it is highly recommended and required by the client to provide a suitable testing environment/ domain which is identical to the final production environment.
- The further client is expected to fully test the delivered product designed by Designs Intellect before making it available publicly and active to use. So that if there are any bugs or issues found during the functionality of the website/ web service or delivered product, could be identified prior to making the product live. Afterward, Designs Intellect will not be delighted to correct those issues occurred during functioning of a live product, however, will provide you support anyhow.
- All copyrights trademarks, and all the other intellectual proprietary rights in the website of and its content are owned by or licensed to Designs Intellect or otherwise used by Designs Intellect as permitted by law.
- By accessing the website ( you agree that you will access the content solely for your personal, non-commercial use. None of the content on the website may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, transmitted, sold or distributed to anyone without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
- This excludes the downloading, copying and/or printing of pages of the website for personal, non-commercial home use only.
Project Terms
- If the client’s project includes the basic rendering of HTML pages than the client agrees that an HTML page built from a graphic design may not exactly match the original design because of the difference between the display the proposed design generated from either software and the rendering of HTML code by Internet browser software. However, our team agrees to try to match the design as closely as is possible when building the code.
- Effective communication is required from the client-end to the developers’ team in order to achieve the required result, especially if the project is website related.
- If the client requests for alterations in either design or content, additional/new pages, different and diversified functionalities other than those specified in the proposed contract, then the developer – Designs Intellect team reserves the right to quote for the additional work for the requested alterations.
- Designs Intellect team works well with SEO and create websites that are quickly picked by search engines. However, we will not assure that your site will become immediately listed with search engines.
- The client must agree that if any error or issue arises with design or coding during the project which prevents the developer to match the exact original specification, then our development team can opt for the nearest presented
- For web development - upon the completion of the project, Designs Intellect team will upload the website on client’s web address if that has bene stated in the project agreement.
- The client or third-party can edit, update and make changes to the website to update their work once the site is handed over to the client. However, if any issue or error occurred as a result of those changes made by the client or third party, then Designs Intellect team will not be solely responsible for these. Nevertheless, our team will help you out to get them corrected but DesignsIntellect reserves rights to quote additionally for them.
- Designs Intellect reserves rights to hire any subcontractor for some project work if needed. They can also be a part of the project only if required for some specific purpose.
- The development team will keep a copy and backup of the site and files during the development
- The communication between the client and Designs Intellect team shall be through the feasible agreed medium, to be transparent through the whole work.
Payment Terms and Refund Policy
- All invoices are required to be processed as per the agreed schedule via your preferred mode of payment.
- Intended payments must be made within 7 working days of each objective/schedule unless mutually agreed otherwise.
- The client is required to made final payment prior to website/ web service/ app being active.
- Designs Intellect reserves the right to negotiate and refund appropriate share of the amount paid by the client towards the requested service by the following criteria.
- If you cancel your order after making the payment, but the work has not commenced, we will refund 75% of the payment that you have already made.
- If the order is canceled after the commencement of work, the maximum refund or charge will be 50% of the invoice.
- WE will not entertain any refund or adjustments if cancellation is made when more than 50% of the work has been completed.
- All the cancellations must be in black and white and can be corresponded via e-mail or fax. Telephonic cancellations or requests cannot be entertained.
- If your payment is due or you are late with your payment, then you must inform the concerned person to settle down the matter accordingly.
- If any off-site or minor work is required, then the payment needs to be made either in advance or as per stated in the agreement.
- All the payments that are related to domain name registration, renewal, hosting, or any 3rd party products or service purchased on behalf of the client, have to be fully paid and is purely non-refundable.
- The client must notify us 30 days before the renewal of web hosting and the associated services as well.
- Designs Intellect will build and test the website on their own servers and hosted domains in case of any 3rd party hosting provider. After the full payment of invoices and dues, the website will be transferred off to the nominated third party.
Maintenance Terms
- Designs Intellect include maintenance as a part of a project right when the project is signed between the client and the company
- Maintenance and respective services will be given as per included in the proposed package and also applicable for the given tenure.
- Maintenance and services are subjected to be on the minor scale, however, if there is a drastic change or a change that impacts the whole system, then this would not be considered as a part of maintenance. For this, additional charges are to be made.
- Monthly maintenance and support shall be provided if WordPress or Plugins version update is required.
- If a client needs to settle down an urgent task or requirement, then it may be charged.
- Designs Intellect gives free support depending upon the nature of the problem. It may vary from project to project.
There are certain terms and conditions that Designs Intellect has set up in order to give a clear picture of the project terms and conditions, which has to be taken into account to prevent from future interventions.
Designs Intellect held certain terms and conditions for the payment method, that client needs to be agreed in order to carry out the smooth pace of work without any interruption or delay.